American Kitefliers Association

The American Kitefliers Association (AKA) was created in 1964 by Robert M. Ingraham of New Mexico. Its purpose is to educate the public in the art, history, technology, and practice of building and flying kites and advance the joys and values of kiting in all nations. AKA is the largest association of kiters with over 3,000 members in 25 countries. There are conventions held annually for all club members each year at different venues around the country.

The American Kitefliers Association also regulates competitions and other showy kite events all over the country. Fliers of precision stunt kites, which can make 90-degree turns and do tricks, are judged on how well they conform to prescribed flight patterns with many twists and turns.[1]


  1. ^ CONSIDINE, A. (2006). Ahead | kite festivals; air wars, with paper and string. New York Times, 2-1

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